"I don't want to leave SG yet! Pfft! :'C"

It was a fun ♥ day

Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 7:28 PM

Hey peeps! Sorry for the late update. Heh.

Ayt, So I was getting a lil bored with defining V-Day as just a holiday for people who are dating. For few consecutive years, we've been doing the same thing and am bored with a lapse in conversation, dinner and a movie, and besides, restos are always too cramped on V-day! Sorry deary dates if I & my girlfriends just vanished, just a glimpse in the night - when it was actually mom who booked my sched first!!:p
Because today I just felt like I was the partyyy! We, girlfriends, are the partyyy!
I hope you guys had a wonderful V-Day, whatever your status is. :D

Photos are uploaded in facebook!:D

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa

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