Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @ 5:01 PM
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Come visit my new blog and let's exchange links:
See ya there!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
already gone.
Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 2:57 AM
You know I love you enough to let you go :C
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
no way.
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 2:03 AM
So there's this new guy at work and an hour before I got off work he went "Hey Paula!"... ouh boy I just like it when he calls my name, sounds plain, low soft and sweet! Then he asked "Which
I told him I'm already completing my bachelor degree. He looked genuinely shocked and disappointed. But he still looks cute. He digested my answer before asking "How old are you?" I never told him but he made a good guess.
It took me quite some time to absorb that he is actually 4 years younger than me and that he's waiting for his 'O' level result! I couldn't accept it. It broke my heart into a million pieces.
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
sat by the river and it made me complete.
Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 6:36 PM
"sometimes when you've shared special memories with a person that makes you feel happy in your own secret place...but it doesn't work out...and u pass by that place again...it always recalls bittersweet memories...u smile at the sweetness, and ur heart breaks on the inside." - Anonymous
"frst time heard this song,i didnt get such a meaningful thing or what else but second, this song's just swinging my heart peacefully :) i like a boy who already have a girl, i also have told him that i like him.. but as i knew b4,he just let go my confession.. i believe someday,somewhere we'll meet again at the other part of time bcos now we just graduated from shs.. xoxo for him !" - Neno
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
what's a girl to do?
Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 1:56 PM
There are times when I think he's interested, then there are times when I think he doesn't even know I'm alive. Hmpph!

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
when LOL is not enough.
@ 1:04 PM
There goes the LOLriffic saying:
"The BEST people are always TAKEN.
Nahhh. Paula paula paula paula paulaaaaaaaaaaaa. You're being ridiculous. You SILLY SILLY lil girl, just forget about it k!Hahaha. That's it. That's all. I'm gonna save myself the heartache now and mooove on :D
Yeah, brilliant! My 1k-word assignment is due tomorrow and it's not even half done. What a shame eh?
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
boooonding moments.
Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 11:26 PM
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
the secret.
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 6:00 AM

Motherrrrr, I'm 20 and no longer a teenager. Tsk!
Will edit this post later.--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
there is always hope.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 @ 11:30 PM
Such a perfect day to launch Winnie’s kite hAha! BUT at first we couldn’t get the LOUSY kite flying! Only after waiting for better conditions, Ben succeeded in flying the kite. And we have finally succeeded in attempting to re-live our childhood! Wewew! LOL

Winnie, Mingxia, Ben, and I had a great great time snapping photos, flying kite, and splashing in the water playground! It's always good keeping in touch with friends! :D
Marina Barrage At Night
I say great place to chillax on a weekday night! Ideal spot for couples seeking a romantic weekday night view! Easy-breezy moments! Lotsa lotsa water display! I like! *Winks
And it was hella fun!
Thank you guys for living your life with me even for just a day! Really! :)
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
Jennifer's Body
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 @ 11:01 PM
Pssst! Just a tiny little update alright: 12pm ++ before our 2pm afternoon classes, I met up and had lunch with Boon Wee and Ruihua, trading gossips and rumours about the others as usual. LOL. Tsk. 1.30pm very early we reached the campus, decided to disturb other classes such as Finance and Management, and stayed around awhile to chat with ex-classmates. Haha fun! 2pm believe it or not, I arrived early to class. :) Then after class hours, the three of us again, but this time including Raquel, planned to see...

That's right. We went to see Jennifer's Body The Movie and I could sum it up in 3 words: sex, gross, and bloody violence. LOL those were actually 4 words. The movie is worth seeing and even if Megan Fox transitions from being possessed by an evil – gorgeous – stuck up high school student to the real deal, obviously, she still looked great in the entire movie. Duh?! She's like the hottest woman to ever walk the face of the earth. Plus I liked the movie soundtrack and I’m downloading it! :D
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
I'mmm backkk!
@ 12:25 AM
OLA mi amigos amigas como estas! Back after a very very long hiatus! Hmm let’s see I have had quite a few people asking me for an update since I have seemingly fallen off the face of the planet. The thing is, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. I’ve been a busy girl. So ya better back off ayt?! Haha kidding. Gosh. Where have the last two months gone? Hmm. Well I was off saving the super duper messed world with my super duper incredible powers. Naaaah. I’ve been a bit busy between work (urgh!) and school – finishing reports, assignments, and well just keeping busy! Whatever. Here’s some update. Prepare yourself. =p
My dear high school friend (together with some of her colleagues) is currently taking up her OJT on-the-job-training at Crowne Plaza Hotel. She signed up to do a 6-month attachment here in SG. And of course, her 6-month stay means… bonding moments!
My dear high school friend (together with some of her colleagues) is currently taking up her OJT on-the-job-training at Crowne Plaza Hotel. She signed up to do a 6-month attachment here in SG. And of course, her 6-month stay means… bonding moments!
Meet my ever dearest HS friend, AMY, rocking on the vintage store at the Arab St.! :D Photos by Amy
Yay! I’ve already met up with her and some of her friends at the ION Orchard. Long time no see! Haha. Miss our gag-ness! Too bad, we only stayed for a little chit-chat as they had to go back to the hotel.
ShaSha and moi had the chance to meet up with Amy at ION Orchard!
Photos by Amy
Photos by Amy
She’s definitely gonna have to do more training for the rest of this week and I got a couple of report assignments due REAL soon plus my work. LOL. We are quite busy as individuals but we will surely have a decent bonding moments some time!
Whoah. I was recentlyforced invited to take part in an audition called Starstruck 5 by GMA 7 held here in SG. Wasn’t that an experience? Everything was last minute! I wasn’t that prepared, not even aware of the structure of the program HAHA don’t ask me about it. I basically went into that audition just to have a fun learning experience. And it was indeed an extremely positive experience for me. What an incredible few days! LOL. I can’t even comprehend it. Haha. I didn’t hand in any requirements nor sign any waiver. on purpose. Haha didn’t wish to know my status neither. AND HEY I DON'T REALLY LOOK GOOD ON TV. I’m just very glad I FINALLY got to play my guitar in front of a crowd. Do you know how brilliant it feels? DOOO YOUUU KNOOOW? Haha lol. I’m still very shy though. But it’s been one of my goals and I can’t physically thank my mom enough for convincing me to go. HAHA whatever.
Well that’s that. Speak to you soon =)
Whoah. I was recently
Well that’s that. Speak to you soon =)
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
rambokillz calls boom boom pau
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 3:56 AM
So here I am, at 4am Monday morning updating my blog. You might ask why but this is because I’ve fvvcked my body clock up too much that it feels that 4am is actually 4pm. Also, there are no classes today so not to worry.
Whatever. I got incredibly motivated to do some serious business in blogging because blogging is serious business. Lol. It’s going to 4am in the fvvcking morning. You can't do blogging now.
Well that’s not your fault, isn’t it?
So I'll continue E-mail I got from Mom the other day...

NO EXCUSES? Lol. What a major emphasis. Fine. Yeah, why not. I guess one should always make time for family, right? Err, like once in awhile to maintain the bond or you could say that it's one way of letting life rush us through the times. I donno. Maybe. But you know sometimes I can’t do certain things having my family around and that’s very frustrating. Yay! Whatever! Ok, let’s spend some REAL quality time. ;D
Corazon Aquino, the first woman president of the Philippines, died at age 76 on July 31, 2009.
Cory reminds me of my beloved grandmother (my lola) who died of the same ailment.
Corazon Aquino, the first woman president of the Philippines, died at age 76 on July 31, 2009.
“Former President Cory Aquino has served well her country and people during our nation’s most trying times. Nobody ever imagined that the 26-year long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos would be replaced by a woman and a simple housewife at that, just like many among you.” ELY P. DEJARESCOI once witnessed the suffering of a colon cancer victim. I'm sure I can't imagine everything what Cory’s family and the whole nation are going through, but I believe I can sympathize because I felt the same misses and pain many many years ago.
Cory reminds me of my beloved grandmother (my lola) who died of the same ailment.
The kind of pain, suffering, and agony she endured for quite long, I saw how fvvcking hard it was. For the first 7-8 years of my life, I had lived with my lola. She and my grandfather (my lolo) helped me raised along with my stubborn parents.
Thoughts of her immediately came pouring back to me. It was her who introduced me to thumbsucking when I was 4 or 5. LOL. I remember, being the first granddaughter on both sides of the family, my lola always spoiled me to NO END Terribly. That’s basically why I always enjoyed spending time with her. I was especially close to her. And I guess the saddest part of my life to date has been the day my lola passed away. I miss her =(

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
the fruits of my labor shall pay off ;p
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 7:45 PM

Apparently, I’m working on an assignment that is not assigned to me, but to my classmate and friend’s girlaloo. Hahahaha. I guess am too kind. But the fruits of my labor shall pay off. *Winks*
Fantastic stuff...
I followed Mahawin’s youtube link and I thought of sharing... to anyone who needs a smile, watch this =)
Because, you know people said, having a crush on someone is one sign that you’re growing up! And I guess I felt that way way back sophomore high! Yay! *Giggles* To someone I would consider my first big crush (boy yeah!); To someone who would cause me to feel butterflies in my stomach; To someone who would make my heart beats damn fast… HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY LONG-TIME CRUSH! Ya know who you are ;p
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
you better believe "i'm yours"
Friday, July 31, 2009 @ 4:18 PM
So, as you're probably quite aware, I'm clearly very obsessed with… BEN! That’s right. I’ve got a new name for my guitar! Yay! I’ve been covering songs lately, but only those songs I actually like and give a lil shit about. Below is my third record on youtube, after playing Boston by Augustana on piano and the one with ShaSha covering You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. Err, not so great but not that bad either. Ha! My skill level? Totally Beginner. So why don’t you just give me some suggestions on covers and whatnot?
I have been busy with other stuff, which is why I haven't been recording new one lately. But I will, soonish. Will probably be doing more of these. What a shame eh? Well not for meh!;p So thanks for all the messages, comments, likes, and everything so far on FB and YouTube! Totally makes my life seem worth living. Harhar. Alright, a lil extreme there.
I have been busy with other stuff, which is why I haven't been recording new one lately. But I will, soonish. Will probably be doing more of these. What a shame eh? Well not for meh!;p So thanks for all the messages, comments, likes, and everything so far on FB and YouTube! Totally makes my life seem worth living. Harhar. Alright, a lil extreme there.
This is just meee (inspired by my "pinsan, my jekk, my sis") doing an acoustic cover (hchsknights08 version) of the very awesome Jason Mraz ;D
I'm still having trouble holding the air in my diaphragm so... I ran out or air while singing a line or two of the song. And yay! The song is incomplete hahaha... bear with me I'm just having fun ;D
P.S::Ignore my messy hair, weird noises, and the bad picture ;D
I am weary; He I love is far away.=(
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
i'm sure, i would want a do-over.
@ 3:30 PM
Jenna: Do you ever wish you could go back... like to another time?
Mom: I wouldn't mind giving back some of these wrinkles.
Jenna: Okay. If you were given one do-over, anything in your life, what would it be?
Mom: Nothing.
Jenna: Really?
Mom: Really.
Jenna: But did you ever make a big mistake? Or a huge one that could change your life? What about that?
Mom: Well, Jenna, I know I made a lot of mistakes... but I don't regret making any of them.
Jenna: How come?
Mom: Because if I hadn't have made them... I wouldn't have learned how to make things right.
- an excerpt from the movie "13 Going On 30"
I will be completely honest. I did not take my entire first semester as seriously as I did. My GPA was horrible. During my Diploma days, I was one of the top 10% in my class and I usually got A's. If not, then at the most B and C and the rest were A's.
Partly due to laziness, partly because of naughtiness, stupidity and craziness, and partly because of time management issues, I got D in HRM and ECONS this semester - TOTALLY not the hardest class of my life! But hey, if I were given one do-over, anything in my life, I would retake the courses and replace the C’s and D’s. Yerryt ~
You see, regrets will always get you in the end. It is so cliché because it is so true. I got so caught up in my part time job at PANPAC, so much fun and partying scene in my degree (something that I was never involved in during my diploma, and during my high school, at least), making new friends, and enjoying some sort of obtained freedom. LOL. Plus, since then, I always have this disturbing mentality that I don’t have to work that hard in school. I suck a lot.
Really. I have changed and I’m so not the same. But now I want to be able to go back to the Old Me Version - the one who took every class, homework, and exam seriously. Do you think it's too late for me?
I will be completely honest. I did not take my entire first semester as seriously as I did. My GPA was horrible. During my Diploma days, I was one of the top 10% in my class and I usually got A's. If not, then at the most B and C and the rest were A's.
Partly due to laziness, partly because of naughtiness, stupidity and craziness, and partly because of time management issues, I got D in HRM and ECONS this semester - TOTALLY not the hardest class of my life! But hey, if I were given one do-over, anything in my life, I would retake the courses and replace the C’s and D’s. Yerryt ~
You see, regrets will always get you in the end. It is so cliché because it is so true. I got so caught up in my part time job at PANPAC, so much fun and partying scene in my degree (something that I was never involved in during my diploma, and during my high school, at least), making new friends, and enjoying some sort of obtained freedom. LOL. Plus, since then, I always have this disturbing mentality that I don’t have to work that hard in school. I suck a lot.
Really. I have changed and I’m so not the same. But now I want to be able to go back to the Old Me Version - the one who took every class, homework, and exam seriously. Do you think it's too late for me?
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 6:55 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my very sweet friend, pinsan Raquel Poh ;)
*I meant to post this on Monday, I suck.
Green Tea Latte is the only thing I ever order at Starbucks. I love it. Its flavourful aroma is oh so inviting, and its toasty taste which I heart the moooost. If they weren’t too eX, I would surely have one everyday!
My days are usually very green tea. I ♥ any green tea based flavour and so anytime I see green tea products (ice cream, cakes, drinks, etc.) I will try em out, because you know, much like your comf’table old pair of jeans, you will never go wrong with green tea! Boy yeah.
Well, it was a rainy Monday, nothing new. Just like any other green tea days. I handed in my pre-course assignment. Love it, I was feeling free. But just for few hours. Woohoo! I sucked down hundreds of calories again! LOL. The weather sucked all morning ayt so I deserved a treat! I was stuck in Starbucks with my green tea latte because it was still raining so fvcking hard outside. Or maybe I’m just one of those people who live to see their shadows so they have the reason to indulge. Toinks!
Green Tea Latte is the only thing I ever order at Starbucks. I love it. Its flavourful aroma is oh so inviting, and its toasty taste which I heart the moooost. If they weren’t too eX, I would surely have one everyday!
My days are usually very green tea. I ♥ any green tea based flavour and so anytime I see green tea products (ice cream, cakes, drinks, etc.) I will try em out, because you know, much like your comf’table old pair of jeans, you will never go wrong with green tea! Boy yeah.
Well, it was a rainy Monday, nothing new. Just like any other green tea days. I handed in my pre-course assignment. Love it, I was feeling free. But just for few hours. Woohoo! I sucked down hundreds of calories again! LOL. The weather sucked all morning ayt so I deserved a treat! I was stuck in Starbucks with my green tea latte because it was still raining so fvcking hard outside. Or maybe I’m just one of those people who live to see their shadows so they have the reason to indulge. Toinks!
ZZZz, I shouldn’t have thought about green tea latte because firstly, I’m plain lazy to do something now as little as going to Starbucks. I look hundred steps ahead and fvck it. Secondly, I’m broke. Totally broke. I need cash, I’m craving for one. Lastly, I love you. Ciao!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
So long Philippines ;(
Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 1:12 PM

I'm back and yes, that's my back. Amf! It's been few days now since I left the Philippines. *Sob* I miss everything back there! I'll edit this post sooner or later. Reallyyyy! I'm way too damn lazy to write on this. So just check out our photos! Up now! If a picture paints a thousand words, you’ve just absorbed a million! Toinks! ;p
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
@ 12:44 AM

Yes, you may. Give love and don't ever hate. ;D
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
but i have no clue.
Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 12:07 AM
Helloooo! It’s been awhile since I have posted and lived my life, and for that I sincerely apologise. Ha! I have made some changes in the “about me” sidebar section because it bloody needed it. I mean, who really cares about the origin of my name? Whatever. There's sh!tload going on for me right now. Let me just give you some update, shall I?
- I feel so stress about the MRP Management Research Project. That’s right. I have another deadline that’s precariously close. Fvck it.
- I’mma going back to the Philippines! I can’t wait til next Fri! To Gerald, who asked me to share my itinerary, I’ll probably publish it tomorrow. A brief one. I’ll be there only for a week and not as if I’m going travelling around Europe! Ha! I love you and I miss you, you wonderful human beings in the Philippines!
- I’m now at the rooftop garden (the place where I got oh so wasted for the first time in my life) with my sister. I like it here. Windy and airy enough to blow you awayyy. Actually, I planned to write a decent post on last Monday’s trip to an amusement park somewhere in Pasir Ris, but remembering the stupid pirate ship that rocked to and fro, almost on a level of 360 degrees (joking!), and that caused me to vomit and exasperate, I’m so not in the mood posting a decent one.
- I wonder if you miss me as much as I miss you.
- As part of my cost-cutting plan, can anyone tell me how to conquer my craving for Starbucks’ Green Tea Frappe?
- I suddenly remember, my P.O.s.h brownies treat ;p
- My mom just made our lives complicated by getting a Canon Rebel T1i/500D. I have been messing with the setting, etc. The manual is driving me nuts!
- I swear, I’ll wake up at 9am tomorrow!
- Am currently listening to Katy Perry’s “Ur So Gay”. I actually love, no I’m addicted to her songs. I love her solid amazing voice and I like that she’s always a fruit and veggie-studded, with watermelon, tomato, chilli, and banana accessories! Haha!
- Speaking of gayness, I want to dedicate the song, also by Katy Perry, “Mannequin” to that someone who is emotionally unavailable! How do I get closer to you? When you keep it all on mute? Gosh you! Arrgh!
- 9am tomorrow!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
when sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 9:41 PM
I understand if you do not wish to talk to me anymore. Sorry. I NEVER meant to hurt your feelings.
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
let's look at Sylar as Spock ;)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 11:21 PM
StarTrek reminds me of me and my sibs younger days when I used to act as the captain of some improvised sort of Starship that we actually made out of paper boxes! My younger brother, on the other hand, was just my little sidekick. Hehehe. That was really fun and it was like we were living in a world of our own, and in our own time. :D
But yea, those were the days and I’m no longer a trekkie or something. I knew Star Trek was just not my kind of movie but then after watching it with Tim and his churchmate, Steve, I thought it was cool. Plus the fact that the Heroes supervillain Sylar (Zachary Quinto) was the young Mr. Spock in this new Star Trek movie...OMG! I wasn't even really looking forward to this movie but he was on it and I was very happy to see it! :D
But yea, those were the days and I’m no longer a trekkie or something. I knew Star Trek was just not my kind of movie but then after watching it with Tim and his churchmate, Steve, I thought it was cool. Plus the fact that the Heroes supervillain Sylar (Zachary Quinto) was the young Mr. Spock in this new Star Trek movie...OMG! I wasn't even really looking forward to this movie but he was on it and I was very happy to see it! :D
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
for her worth is far above jewels.
Sunday, May 17, 2009 @ 8:33 PM
I just had a Christian Worship experience today! The music was just amazing. Messages were wonderful. People were nice. I had the chance to witness how good Alvaro Sanchez is in doing his music LIVE - the ultimate aim why I came. Thanks to Tim for inviting me over. Glad I found a very warm welcome. =D The food was a good stuff too. Not only I had the opportunity to worship but I also had the chance to meet new people. =D
Today also reminded me of someone, who once upon a time shared me a great and a meaningful proverb:
Reading this proverb again asked me to recognize that one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life is who you marry. I, however, think am still too young to be even thinking about marriage, but these descriptions of the ‘wife of a noble character’ will always be remembered.

…and in particularly, that someone named Max, who was a very good friend of mine.
Today also reminded me of someone, who once upon a time shared me a great and a meaningful proverb:
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10, 28“The first thing we are to notice is that she is few and far between. There ain't many like her. This wife of noble character is worth far more than rubies. You can't put a price on her. Money can't buy a woman like this.”
Reading this proverb again asked me to recognize that one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life is who you marry. I, however, think am still too young to be even thinking about marriage, but these descriptions of the ‘wife of a noble character’ will always be remembered.

…and in particularly, that someone named Max, who was a very good friend of mine.
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
a lil something for mom.
Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 8:02 PM
I would probably never have gotten interested in cooking or baking if it hadn't has been for my
younger brother, who taught me how to make graham cracker cake, and for my mom who patiently taught me how to make leche flan. I’m not the most patient on Earth. I do, however, love to try baking and as part of that, I’m also someone who dicks around the kitchen and disturb mom and my younger bro when they’re cooking or baking. =D

So, today is mother’s day and people said it’s a time to recognize the sacrifices these special moms make for their children. So yea, knowing the situation, I couldn’t say no when mom asked me to join her in the kitchen.
“The grand thing about cooking is you can eat your mistakes.”
– Julia Child, an American chef, author and television personality.
Cooking is not something you can learn by watching your mom, grandma, or even your younger brother in the kitchen (well amf!! that’s how I learned!). It takes a lot of time and patience to make a leche flan – waiting for things to set, broil, etc. and once again, I’m not the most patient dude on Earth! I didn’t have a lot of patience and attention to baking and I was apparently rushing the process. And so mom would nag every now and then.
You cannot rush these things! You’ve got to give time for sugar to caramelize!
Be careful not to burn the sugar!
Stop text-messaging!
Always clean your cooking area before and after using it! Wipe down the food prep surface first!
Have you even heard about cross-contamination between foodstuffs?
Anyways, the cooled-down leche flan is now being refrigerated! Wait until we’re ready to unmold it! After 8 hours, it will look like this YUM ;)
You cannot rush these things! You’ve got to give time for sugar to caramelize!
Be careful not to burn the sugar!
Stop text-messaging!
Always clean your cooking area before and after using it! Wipe down the food prep surface first!
Have you even heard about cross-contamination between foodstuffs?
Anyways, the cooled-down leche flan is now being refrigerated! Wait until we’re ready to unmold it! After 8 hours, it will look like this YUM ;)
I love you Mom (even though I'm still grounded T_T) ! Everyday you sparkle, but today you rule! Happy Mother's Day!(:
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
by: the air in the branches
@ 3:33 PM

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
hey hey it's Saturday!
Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 1:04 PM
I just hate having to wake up early in the morning. I guess some people aren’t just morning people - and that would be me too! I really feel dead in the morning and that is why I never did well in 8.30am classes. Har. It’s a very shitty experience of waking up I’m telling you. I can only enjoy the long sleep every weekend. But today.. . today was weird. My body’s internal clock is malfunctioning! I got up so early! Mom knows my wake up pattern very well, and so waking up ridiculously early today is like a miracle to her.
Hmm really sounds like some miracle happening. Never in my life have I put an effort in filling up such coin bank. But I filled my MNG purse with coins!
Hmm really sounds like some miracle happening. Never in my life have I put an effort in filling up such coin bank. But I filled my MNG purse with coins!

Ok. So it’s just a small purse but at least I filled it! I know, right?! Sounds SO NOT ME. So today, I met up with Uncle Arvy, my classmate who lives in my neighbourhood, for lunch. He was carrying his plastic coin bag and.. . ohemgee! My MNG coin purse is totally no match for his! Haha so right after lunch, we headed to the nearest coin deposit machine and voila!
Gotta run! I'll be attending a BBQ party later tonight!
Gotta run! I'll be attending a BBQ party later tonight!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
yet untitled.
Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 12:28 PM
A Whole Lotta Nothing.
I know! It’s been ages I last posted.. .and ok I admit am a bad blogger, but it’s been quite a busy few weeks! Yep, that’s right – busy doing nothing! I’m so proud! I have deadlines to meet and I can’t believe I had a whole week ahead of me and got absolutely nothing accomplished. Good job!
Recent Movie Madness
• Gran Torino, with Maybe Baby – one of the best movies I’ve seen in over a year! “Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.”
• Knowing, with Momsy, Geli, Pa3k, and Maze – My mom never miss any Nicolas Cage prediction movies! It's pretty amazing how Nicolas always plays it smart, like he’s always the genius, very shrewd, and very clever. But the whole Ezekiel thing and the alien concept: a no-no for me.
• 12 Rounds, with Maybe Baby and friends – ok LAH. I remember falling asleep.
• Taken, with ShaSha and Janice – Yea yea, we did plan on watching a movie, but couldn’t decide on what to watch since Janice had been raving about 17 Again and ShaSha wanted to watch Taken. And for so many reasons, we chose the second movie over the first =p I didn’t regret watching Taken, a breath taking movie that will definitely blow your brain!
• Friday the 13th, with ShaSha, Mahawin, Arvy, Christian, Robbie, and Reyhan – I could sum it up in 3 words: sex, violence, and hahaha. I still remember finding myself kept jumping out of my seat whenever Shasha shrieks!
Will edit this post later! I gtg! Muacks =*
I know! It’s been ages I last posted.. .and ok I admit am a bad blogger, but it’s been quite a busy few weeks! Yep, that’s right – busy doing nothing! I’m so proud! I have deadlines to meet and I can’t believe I had a whole week ahead of me and got absolutely nothing accomplished. Good job!
Recent Movie Madness
• Gran Torino, with Maybe Baby – one of the best movies I’ve seen in over a year! “Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.”
• Knowing, with Momsy, Geli, Pa3k, and Maze – My mom never miss any Nicolas Cage prediction movies! It's pretty amazing how Nicolas always plays it smart, like he’s always the genius, very shrewd, and very clever. But the whole Ezekiel thing and the alien concept: a no-no for me.
• 12 Rounds, with Maybe Baby and friends – ok LAH. I remember falling asleep.
• Taken, with ShaSha and Janice – Yea yea, we did plan on watching a movie, but couldn’t decide on what to watch since Janice had been raving about 17 Again and ShaSha wanted to watch Taken. And for so many reasons, we chose the second movie over the first =p I didn’t regret watching Taken, a breath taking movie that will definitely blow your brain!
• Friday the 13th, with ShaSha, Mahawin, Arvy, Christian, Robbie, and Reyhan – I could sum it up in 3 words: sex, violence, and hahaha. I still remember finding myself kept jumping out of my seat whenever Shasha shrieks!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
bette davis eyes
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
Today, I met my enemy! His name is
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
what happened to the 'universal love'
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 9:28 PM
We went over to ShaSha’s place right after class and harr we’re already starting to feel pressure to finish up slides for the upcoming presentation (case study). We will be talking about the company culture of… zzzzzzzzzzzz...
We went over to ShaSha’s place for some food! Jan & I are such a BIG fan of ShaSha’s nasi goreng, literally meaning “fried rice” in Indonesian and Malay. It reminds me of our last sentosa trip where I first learned about nasi goreng ShaSha cooked for everyone! Hmm.. Just one of those days..
Sentosa Trip 08: ShaSha's Nasi Goreng is Love...! And aww. When was the last time I baked graham fruit cake for them? Can't say as I miss it! :(
We went over to ShaSha’s place for some fun! We did a couple covers of our favourite songs and Janice would sing “Bubbly” Hehehe. That’s right! She’d sing too! Man, you should see her music video on ShaSha’s phone! We also played our current fave song, “The Way I am” a couple of times. We were just in the mood to play guitar. Or idk. I guess I always have the most fun when we make music together like that. Actually, I always have fantasized about playing and singing in front of people BUT I am such a wuss. But if ever I’d love to play Susanne Vega’s Luka or Taylor Swift’s Love Story. Heehee
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
doing that thing you do-oo
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 9:31 PM
We had tons of fun today at the jam session! We were not all prepared but it came out sounding pretty damn good, I think. We rocked out to three faves music artists – Green Day, The Wonders, Simple Plan. There was some stuff which needs a lil working out though, like the awful vocals! I mean, HAHA, vocalists were supposed to have some solid set of lungs and a grand voice! But who cares? Just enjoy the music deepsheet!
You wouldn’t want me playing the guitar either. Just trust me. HahaRr but still, it’s nice to know someone’s out there is willing to teach me more about guitar. They say, for such a nooby like me, you have to have a lot of patience. I just wonder how much a teacher could afford a hell lot of patience on someone like me who can just play a lil bit of this and that.. Hah! Still, in fairness, Wilson has shown a lot of patience to my poor wake me up when september ends-intro.
Everyone else was awesome. I had never imagined Darren singing. But he puckered up and rocked out there - nice! Tim, the drummer boy, is really good at what he does. All he has is a drum and a pair of stick to beat it - very focus on keeping the beat, not expression, adlibbing, but just keeping the beat. Drumming is so cool. Wilson (guitarist) and Raquel (keyboardist) – they are just musically talented jam band!
Looking forward to your next jam session! :)
You wouldn’t want me playing the guitar either. Just trust me. HahaRr but still, it’s nice to know someone’s out there is willing to teach me more about guitar. They say, for such a nooby like me, you have to have a lot of patience. I just wonder how much a teacher could afford a hell lot of patience on someone like me who can just play a lil bit of this and that.. Hah! Still, in fairness, Wilson has shown a lot of patience to my poor wake me up when september ends-intro.
Everyone else was awesome. I had never imagined Darren singing. But he puckered up and rocked out there - nice! Tim, the drummer boy, is really good at what he does. All he has is a drum and a pair of stick to beat it - very focus on keeping the beat, not expression, adlibbing, but just keeping the beat. Drumming is so cool. Wilson (guitarist) and Raquel (keyboardist) – they are just musically talented jam band!
Looking forward to your next jam session! :)
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
wat'cha do that for?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 2:43 PM
Just so you know, our former Econs lecturer had just gotten himself kicked out of the school. No. It's nothing extremely awful. He never arrived in class without pants, drunk, vomit from hangover, lecture the wrong subject, nor talk in a porn voice, and so on and so forth. But this lecturer has REALLY an excessive tardiness and I still think there's no such thing as an excused tardy. Because like meee, a tardy is a tardy! We, students on the other hand, have to suffer the consequences of the teacher's constant tardiness - exam scheduled for March 13 has been postponed until April 1. That's right, I'm goin' to spend a hell lot of time working my ass of on Econs for the rest of the month. Pretty pathetic.
Today.. .
is the day I'm supposed to fly back home and take a 10-day vacation with.. .nahh or else I'm going to get it!
Today is also the day I'm supposed to meet ShaSha and Janice for study. I just had to cancel it :(
Today is also my mom's birthday! It's probably not worth risking my life to wish her online a Happy 38th Birthday. Oops! Hahaha. 38 38 38! Ok, enough. Tita Geli, Pat3k, and moi made a little surprise by making her a perfect breakfast. We all got off the bed so early, quietly slipped out of our rooms then went into the kitchen to make breakfast while my mom was still peacefully sleeping.. . sleeping beauty. Breakfast was ready at 7am and it was time to wake her up!
Knock! Knock! Knock! Wakey! Wakey!
There was still no sign that she was goin to wake up. Fine. Be stubborn. Guess this calls for a drastic measure! Our knock knock knock just became insistent, determined, and demanding. Haha! Finally, my lil sis answered the door and mom still refused to wake up. We all came in with a mini chocolate cupcake.. .
Good Morning! Happy Birthday!
and as she rubs her sleepy eyes, we finally made her blow the candle out with the eye mask still on her face! She was really surprised! Hehehehe. But the sleeping beauty still asked for 5 minutes longer before we can all have our breakfast.
Pictures will be uploaded later!:D Gtg!
Today.. .
is the day I'm supposed to fly back home and take a 10-day vacation with.. .nahh or else I'm going to get it!
Today is also the day I'm supposed to meet ShaSha and Janice for study. I just had to cancel it :(
Today is also my mom's birthday! It's probably not worth risking my life to wish her online a Happy 38th Birthday. Oops! Hahaha. 38 38 38! Ok, enough. Tita Geli, Pat3k, and moi made a little surprise by making her a perfect breakfast. We all got off the bed so early, quietly slipped out of our rooms then went into the kitchen to make breakfast while my mom was still peacefully sleeping.. . sleeping beauty. Breakfast was ready at 7am and it was time to wake her up!
Knock! Knock! Knock! Wakey! Wakey!
There was still no sign that she was goin to wake up. Fine. Be stubborn. Guess this calls for a drastic measure! Our knock knock knock just became insistent, determined, and demanding. Haha! Finally, my lil sis answered the door and mom still refused to wake up. We all came in with a mini chocolate cupcake.. .
Good Morning! Happy Birthday!
and as she rubs her sleepy eyes, we finally made her blow the candle out with the eye mask still on her face! She was really surprised! Hehehehe. But the sleeping beauty still asked for 5 minutes longer before we can all have our breakfast.
Pictures will be uploaded later!:D Gtg!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
the mechanical contrivium.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 3:56 PM
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Paula!
- Paula became extinct in England in 1486!
- A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Paula.
- The only Englishman to become Paula was Nicholas Breakspear, who was Paula from 1154 to 1159!
- The Australian billygoat plum contains a hundred times more Vitamin C than Paula.
- Paula has often been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.
- While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes dressed up as Paula.
- Paula can't drink - she absorbs water from her surroundings by osmosis.
- It's bad luck to put Paula on a bed.
- A bride should wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and Paula.
- Only one person in two billion will live to be Paula!
I got to chat with Ted for awhile and I hate him now for making me feel like a chocolate covered strawberries with its leaves dip into the melted chocolate rolling carefully from side to side to leave a nice V there in the middle of the strawberry! Haha. You get the point.
OMG I haven't started my assignment yet! But I did look through it. So does that count? Whatever. I suddenly remembered nothing much interesting is goin' on for me right now other than academic related stuff. How lame is that? I gotta go now. Dad has a plane to catch and we're sending him to the airport. Man, it's gonna be a definite Freedom with a capital F! Im so grinning from ear to ear right now, feeling sad, happy, and excited all at the same time!
I just want someone to hold me and tell me that everything's gonna be okay.
OMG I haven't started my assignment yet! But I did look through it. So does that count? Whatever. I suddenly remembered nothing much interesting is goin' on for me right now other than academic related stuff. How lame is that? I gotta go now. Dad has a plane to catch and we're sending him to the airport. Man, it's gonna be a definite Freedom with a capital F! Im so grinning from ear to ear right now, feeling sad, happy, and excited all at the same time!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
random stuff.
Monday, March 9, 2009 @ 10:22 PM
Get a load of me
Get a load of you
Walkin' down the street
And I hardly know you
It's just like we were meant to be
Holding hands with you
And we're out at night
Got a girlfriend
You say it isn't right
And I've got someone waiting too
Why Can't I by Liz Phair
Back! Sorry for the long hiatus!
1. Just so you know, I screwed up my HRM paper last sem.
Combining school and work wasn't going to as easy as I thought! If mom finds out I'm so dead! So long, PanPac! Well past is past and I don't want to overreact. Now, I'm hoping to get a better grade for my Int'l Mgt and the upcoming Econs exam paper.
2. Speaking of workkkk
- yea, I'm back in the kitchen! But because school is still eating up my time, I only get to work every weekends. Har. Just typing that makes me feel lil SUPER lazy. But it's ok. Somehow, it eases my intense cravings for pasta! I think I function much better working night shift!=p
3.Trying to figure out what to write next.. .
2 songs are added to my playlist: Touch My Hand by David Archuleta. ♥-ed it when I first heard the song from Boon Wee's ipod! And the soundtrack from my fave TV series, OTH, When The Stars Go Blue by Tyler Hilton Featuring Bethany Joy Lenz.
4. I need a tall cup of Tazo Green Tea Latte, whole milk, Starbucks!
5. I really miss watching One Tree Hill and Grey's Anatomy. =(
6. I'm still surviving the break-up blues.
And oh, don't get me wrong because this time is really OFFICIAL. Mom used to tell me that every break-up is a blessing in disguise and I was like, Huh? How's that so? I totally didn't get that. Idk. Maybe she meant to say I should be thankful I just got saved from having a relationship with the wrong guy. (Not again?!) I did the dumping but I was having second thoughts. Idk. He may be sorry, but lack of effort and sincerity, like he doesn't mean it at all. I really have a little tolerance for that. It's just so sad. Just when I tought I was over him, I still found myself unconsolably crying. My pinsan told me this is just the initial stage. I'm having trouble of focusing and I feel like drifting through the day. Just imagine the next stage I'm yet to undergo. I need to start seeing someone else. I SO wanna get over him already!
7. My dad is leaving for Australia tomorrow!
Am looking forward to play badminton with !@#$@#, !@!#@$'s brother, !#!@#@$, and #$@#% on Wednesday. Gosh. I really had to write names uninterpretable. Poor thing. Thanks Timmy for reminding.
9. One of these days,
I'm gonna have to ditch my phone line, rather my dad's line, and switch to prepaid SIM card. Huhuhu.
10. Happy Birthday Raymart!:D
1. Just so you know, I screwed up my HRM paper last sem.

2. Speaking of workkkk


4. I need a tall cup of Tazo Green Tea Latte, whole milk, Starbucks!

5. I really miss watching One Tree Hill and Grey's Anatomy. =(

6. I'm still surviving the break-up blues.

7. My dad is leaving for Australia tomorrow!


9. One of these days,

10. Happy Birthday Raymart!:D

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
Rui Hua turning the big 21!:D
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 3:07 PM
Friends are going to Rui Hua's 21st Bday (officially celebrated on Feb 23) BBQ Partyyy tonight!
Later people!
Post Edited ---
I'm pretty sure her 21st bday bash was the day she'd been waiting for. Right?:D Hee. So we went to Rui Hua's 21st BBQ bday partyyy at Costa Sands (Pasir Ris) and everyone had a blast! Food were just incredible! Sure any bdays - 16 18 21, etc., spent with family and friends is always a good one!

The ever pretty celebrant – Rui Hua at 21! In fairness, the jelly cake was YUM!(:
Later people!
Post Edited ---
I'm pretty sure her 21st bday bash was the day she'd been waiting for. Right?:D Hee. So we went to Rui Hua's 21st BBQ bday partyyy at Costa Sands (Pasir Ris) and everyone had a blast! Food were just incredible! Sure any bdays - 16 18 21, etc., spent with family and friends is always a good one!

And there she has one of her happiest bdays!
More shots of the bday celebrant with.. ehem.. us, her very special guests, posted on facebook!:D
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa
It was a fun ♥ day
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 7:28 PM
Hey peeps! Sorry for the late update. Heh.
Ayt, So I was getting a lil bored with defining V-Day as just a holiday for people who are dating. For few consecutive years, we've been doing the same thing and am bored with a lapse in conversation, dinner and a movie, and besides, restos are always too cramped on V-day! Sorry deary dates if I & my girlfriends just vanished, just a glimpse in the night - when it was actually mom who booked my sched first!!:p
Because today I just felt like I was the partyyy! We, girlfriends, are the partyyy!

Photos are uploaded in facebook!:D
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa