sat by the river and it made me complete.
Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 6:36 PM
"sometimes when you've shared special memories with a person that makes you feel happy in your own secret place...but it doesn't work out...and u pass by that place always recalls bittersweet memories...u smile at the sweetness, and ur heart breaks on the inside." - Anonymous
"frst time heard this song,i didnt get such a meaningful thing or what else but second, this song's just swinging my heart peacefully :) i like a boy who already have a girl, i also have told him that i like him.. but as i knew b4,he just let go my confession.. i believe someday,somewhere we'll meet again at the other part of time bcos now we just graduated from shs.. xoxo for him !" - Neno
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa