rambokillz calls boom boom pau
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 3:56 AM
So here I am, at 4am Monday morning updating my blog. You might ask why but this is because I’ve fvvcked my body clock up too much that it feels that 4am is actually 4pm. Also, there are no classes today so not to worry.
Whatever. I got incredibly motivated to do some serious business in blogging because blogging is serious business. Lol. It’s going to 4am in the fvvcking morning. You can't do blogging now.
Well that’s not your fault, isn’t it?
So I'll continue E-mail I got from Mom the other day...

NO EXCUSES? Lol. What a major emphasis. Fine. Yeah, why not. I guess one should always make time for family, right? Err, like once in awhile to maintain the bond or you could say that it's one way of letting life rush us through the times. I donno. Maybe. But you know sometimes I can’t do certain things having my family around and that’s very frustrating. Yay! Whatever! Ok, let’s spend some REAL quality time. ;D
Corazon Aquino, the first woman president of the Philippines, died at age 76 on July 31, 2009.
Cory reminds me of my beloved grandmother (my lola) who died of the same ailment.
Corazon Aquino, the first woman president of the Philippines, died at age 76 on July 31, 2009.
“Former President Cory Aquino has served well her country and people during our nation’s most trying times. Nobody ever imagined that the 26-year long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos would be replaced by a woman and a simple housewife at that, just like many among you.” ELY P. DEJARESCOI once witnessed the suffering of a colon cancer victim. I'm sure I can't imagine everything what Cory’s family and the whole nation are going through, but I believe I can sympathize because I felt the same misses and pain many many years ago.
Cory reminds me of my beloved grandmother (my lola) who died of the same ailment.
The kind of pain, suffering, and agony she endured for quite long, I saw how fvvcking hard it was. For the first 7-8 years of my life, I had lived with my lola. She and my grandfather (my lolo) helped me raised along with my stubborn parents.
Thoughts of her immediately came pouring back to me. It was her who introduced me to thumbsucking when I was 4 or 5. LOL. I remember, being the first granddaughter on both sides of the family, my lola always spoiled me to NO END Terribly. That’s basically why I always enjoyed spending time with her. I was especially close to her. And I guess the saddest part of my life to date has been the day my lola passed away. I miss her =(

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa