hey hey it's Saturday!
Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 1:04 PM
I just hate having to wake up early in the morning. I guess some people aren’t just morning people - and that would be me too! I really feel dead in the morning and that is why I never did well in 8.30am classes. Har. It’s a very shitty experience of waking up I’m telling you. I can only enjoy the long sleep every weekend. But today.. . today was weird. My body’s internal clock is malfunctioning! I got up so early! Mom knows my wake up pattern very well, and so waking up ridiculously early today is like a miracle to her.
Hmm really sounds like some miracle happening. Never in my life have I put an effort in filling up such coin bank. But I filled my MNG purse with coins!
Hmm really sounds like some miracle happening. Never in my life have I put an effort in filling up such coin bank. But I filled my MNG purse with coins!

Ok. So it’s just a small purse but at least I filled it! I know, right?! Sounds SO NOT ME. So today, I met up with Uncle Arvy, my classmate who lives in my neighbourhood, for lunch. He was carrying his plastic coin bag and.. . ohemgee! My MNG coin purse is totally no match for his! Haha so right after lunch, we headed to the nearest coin deposit machine and voila!
Gotta run! I'll be attending a BBQ party later tonight!
Gotta run! I'll be attending a BBQ party later tonight!
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa