"I don't want to leave SG yet! Pfft! :'C"

doing that thing you do-oo

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ 9:31 PM

We had tons of fun today at the jam session! We were not all prepared but it came out sounding pretty damn good, I think. We rocked out to three faves music artists – Green Day, The Wonders, Simple Plan. There was some stuff which needs a lil working out though, like the awful vocals! I mean, HAHA, vocalists were supposed to have some solid set of lungs and a grand voice! But who cares? Just enjoy the music deepsheet!

You wouldn’t want me playing the guitar either. Just trust me. HahaRr but still, it’s nice to know someone’s out there is willing to teach me more about guitar. They say, for such a nooby like me, you have to have a lot of patience. I just wonder how much a teacher could afford a hell lot of patience on someone like me who can just play a lil bit of this and that.. Hah! Still, in fairness, Wilson has shown a lot of patience to my poor wake me up when september ends-intro.

Everyone else was awesome. I had never imagined Darren singing. But he puckered up and rocked out there - nice! Tim, the drummer boy, is really good at what he does. All he has is a drum and a pair of stick to beat it - very focus on keeping the beat, not expression, adlibbing, but just keeping the beat. Drumming is so cool. Wilson (guitarist) and Raquel (keyboardist) – they are just musically talented jam band!

Looking forward to your next jam session! :)

--love lots,
Paula Alyssa

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