the fruits of my labor shall pay off ;p
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 7:45 PM

Apparently, I’m working on an assignment that is not assigned to me, but to my classmate and friend’s girlaloo. Hahahaha. I guess am too kind. But the fruits of my labor shall pay off. *Winks*
Fantastic stuff...
I followed Mahawin’s youtube link and I thought of sharing... to anyone who needs a smile, watch this =)
Because, you know people said, having a crush on someone is one sign that you’re growing up! And I guess I felt that way way back sophomore high! Yay! *Giggles* To someone I would consider my first big crush (boy yeah!); To someone who would cause me to feel butterflies in my stomach; To someone who would make my heart beats damn fast… HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY LONG-TIME CRUSH! Ya know who you are ;p
--love lots,
Paula Alyssa
Paula Alyssa